So after much thought, plus tallying up my overall money spent on my newest addiction (i.e. Make up). And yes my total is enough so that Joe turn around and build his own master computer with some of the most expensive parts to do it as well!
Yeah, ha ha I kinda went hog wild when he said I could get what I want, as long as he would be able to get his computer afterwards. So needless to say, he is a very happy camper.
Starting today, I will be attempting to follow through with Project 5 Pan. I'm pretty sure if you are into make up, you will have an idea of what Project 5 Pan is. But if you don't know what that is, then I suppose I can explain.
Project 5 Pan (which can also be turned into Project 10 Pan) forces make up collectors/addicts to choose 5 (or 10) beauty products. It can range from any type, but you are not allowed to purchase any other make up products until you have finished your selected items. Which if you think about it, is good because it's bad to sit there and purchase tons of product and then NEVER use it!
I mean already I have tons of stuff and I don't at at all use it! And like all make up addicts know, make up has an expiration. So it is seems silly to collect a bunch of stuff, not use it and let it go BAD!!! Uhhh what a waste on MONEY!!!
Thus I have my chosen 5 products (with additional random beauty stuff that is almost done anyways). And they include the following:
MAC Frost Lipstick in Lame
Clinique Full Potential Lip Gloss in Beach Bunny
MAC Eye Kohl in Smolder
Clinique Double Lash Mascara in Black
Hard Candy Sheer Envy Face Primer
My almost empties that I'm throwing into the mix include:
MAC e/s in Shroom
MAC Bronzer in Bronze
My random other beauty products that I'm throwing into the mix are:
Victoria Secret Perfume in Sexy Little Thing
Eye Make up Remover by Target
Overall, I think it will be a challenge for me not to want to buy stuff. I have given myself two ways in which I can buy something (besides getting stuff for any give aways or contests I decide to have).
The first is with my upcoming journey home to the states in May, I know I will be hitting up the MALLS! I'm so excited about that! And for those of you who don't know me, I worked in retail on and off since I got out of college back in 2004. So I was always stuck in malls, it got to the point where I hated to go shopping on my off days. Yet, I can't wait to walk into one. And hear the mill of people walking and talking. To walk into a MAC store (even though I can't buy anything) and see all the lights and amazing colors on the display! I'm so excited!!!
But anyways my point in rambling is if there is something I absolutely have to get (if any of my basics run out or if there is something that I just can't walk away from) I will get it.
Apparently brushes don't count against me so, I might pick up one or two. Especially if I make a trip to CCO (which I have never been). But making a trip down to the outlets will be necessary cause I love Reebok sports wear for working out in. And I totally need some things from there!!!
Second way I purchase beauty stuff is...well I can't quite share that yet! But I will be able to soon :)
So for now it's trying to through the urge to buy and using what I have in my 7 drawer stand!!! he he
I think I should do a collection video soon, just so everyone can see what I have, which has caused me to make the Project 5 Pan decision.