Sunday, January 16, 2011

Baking Now added to In the Kitchen

I didn't realize how long it had been since I did an In the Kitchen with Lo video til I uploaded earlier this weekend.

I got asked towards the tail end of last year (2010) right before my birthday. If I could introduce some baking dishes into my kitchen series, apparently people thought I might have some good baking recipes to share. Ironically enough, when I have been stressed I normally helps calm my nerves and makes the house smell good.

Thus I decided after sometime I would try out a baking video and judging on the views and commentary go from there (of whether or not I would continue to more additional baking videos). So far from putting up two different videos,
the first being how to make HomeMade Pumpkin Ring or Pumpkin Bread. And the second being Homemade Cream Cheese Frosting.

Between the two, the Cream Cheese Frosting has received more views, but overall I think people are enjoying them.

I am including the links for both videos, if you haven't checked them out.

But from some comments and requests, I'm going to also throw in a healthy recipe every now and again so that those who are on diets can find something useful from my In the Kitchens!!!

Pumpkin Bread Recipe

Cream Cheese Frosting Recipe

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