Selfie Heart Light:
It’s safe to say that 11 years on, selfies have consumed the world. Let’s just look at Instagram for example, today “#selfie” has 271,363,840 posts.
The word selfie was even Oxford Dictionary’s Word of the Year in 2013. Ellen Degeneres’ 2014 Oscar selfie is one of the most retweeted tweets ever, with 3.3million retweets. There’s even a song about selfies. They’ve entirely changed the way we use social media.
If you have just left your house once in the last five years, then you’ll know Kim Kardashian is infamous for her selfies. With over 61 million Instagram followers and decades of taking selfies, she’s revolutionised the art of taking a selfie. She even has a selfie book, unsurprisingly named Selfish.
Well, have you ever wondered how to truly get that Kardashian glow? Or how Kim Kardashian gets the perfect selfie every single time? Well here’s your answer – the LuMee case. Kim has even taken a LuMee selfie with Hilary Clinton – selfie goals.
It’s like a portable studio light
Selfies have changed the world so is it really any surprise that a company called LuMee decided to come along and create a phone case that enhances selfies even further? They’ve been spotted all over fashion week and they’ve even been featured in Vogue.
Needless to say I finally fell into the Selfie Light Train, which is why I got the Heart Clip Light to put onto my phone. Whats nice about it, is on the back is a mirror so you can do the quick check for anything in your teeth or if the lips need to be touched up.
Overall, super happy with my purchase!
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