Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Day 9: Someone who has gotten me through it

No lies, I'm pretty excited that I have finally caught up on my Photo Challenge. This entry is actually on the right date..WOOT WOOT!!!

And I did want to point out that I kinda like to put random title pictures up giving you an idea of what this blog post is about..though I could not find anything good for Day 9. Apparently this guy is known as Day 9...I'm guessing he is a YouTuber...though I had never heard of him before!!! He is kinda scary least in this picture!!! HA HA

Now that I am finally caught up, I do hope that I can get back in track with my blog entries for this Challenge. I do feel like I have slightly failed already because I have gotten so far behind. But then again, I did take the time to fill in the perhaps I'm not a complete lost cause!

Day 09 - A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most

Joe and Me on his birthday, November 2009

Although Joe and I are celebrating our 4 years of being a married couple this upcoming fall, we have known each other now for 4 years. Our official "date" of meeting and going out together is coming up next week, which makes me want to plan something special!

Anyways, in the time frame of us being together, Joe has actually seen and experienced quite a bit with me. We were dating when I dealt with the issue of being let go from a job, for not meeting my sales quota. He has seen me through the upheaval of moving from one place as a single girl, to a new place as a couple. He has even seen me when I have dealt with the beginning and loss of friendships here in Germany, besides the obvious of us moving across the world.

Joe has dealt with all of my craziness, both the good type and the bad. Looking at it now, I know he is not only my husband but is one of my closest friends. He will always be there for me...and even if I fuck up (and trust me I have), he still loves me. He still wants to be with me, and considering that divorce rates are super high nowadays...I'm really thankful for it!

Us, November 2009 our Anniversary

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